
C/C++ #

In this section, we will discuss how to fuzz C/C++ projects, including how to set up a fuzzer in your project. While there are many options for fuzzing C/C++ projects, we will ground this tutorial in the practical use of libFuzzer and AFL++: two of the most prominent fuzzing tools in use today that can be applied to any C/C++ project.

For a general introduction about fuzzing and fuzzing setup (e.g., the harness, fuzzer runtime, instrumentation, and SUT), refer to the introduction.

When should I use which fuzzer? #

libFuzzerSimple; well-tested; basic fuzzing features; limited multi-core fuzzing; libFuzzer is in maintenance-only mode
AFL++Well-tested; industry-standard; sufficient for most fuzzing needs; supported multi-core fuzzing; not suited for short fuzzing campaigns (e.g., CI fuzzing) due to initial calibration phase
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